Two Pastor’s Blogs to Follow

Many pastors have blogs. The two pastors highlighted in this post have active blogs, which focus on pastors, church leaders, and leadership in general. Both are also authors of books on leadership and both are pastors of churches in Canada. Check out their information below and then explore their websites and subscribe to their blogs.

Carey Nieuwhof

Carey Nieuwhof is the founding pastor of Connexus Church in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. His resources are designed to “…help you thrive in life and leadership.” In addition to the blog, Carey has a podcast, is a popular speaker at church conferences, and offers courses for church leaders. His popular courses are the High Impact Leader, the Church Growth Masterclass, and The Art of Better Preaching. His books include Didn’t See It Coming, Lasting Impact, Leading Change Without Losing It, and Parenting Beyond Your Capacity.

Charles Stone

Charles Stone is a pastor from London, Ontario, Canada. He’s a pastor who creates resources to help leaders lead smarter, healthier, and better with Biblically-sound, brain-based solutions for life and leadership. Carey’s a popular speaker, coach, and consultant. His books include Every Pastor’s First 180 Days, Holy Noticing, Brain Savy-Savvy Leadership, People Pleasing Pastors, 5 Ministry Killers and How to Defeat Them, and Daughters Gone Wild.