
RightNow Media is a powerful website that offers 1) a customizable video library for every person in your church, 2) RightNow Media @ Work, a voluntary, faith-based video library designed with company employees in mind, 3) an annual conference for pastors, church staff, and small group leaders about the mission of the church, and 4) an annual live stream Work as Worship one-day workshop. RightNow Media cares deeply about how people live out their faith and engage the local church, their community, and the world.

The Barna Group – The Barna Group provides spiritual influencers with credible knowledge and clear thinking, enabling them to navigate a complex and changing culture.

Doug Paul is an Innovation Strategist who has worked with some of the largest and most innovative churches and organizations in the United States and Europe, helping them tailor their strategies for discipleship, leadership, and mission. He asks bigger questions about the interplay between Innovation and the Gospel. Doug is currently running Disciple-Making Innovations Labs throughout the United States that are grounded in their theology, mission, vision and ministry convictions.

Charles Stone – Charles Stone is a pastor from London, Ontario, Canada. He’s a pastor who creates resources to help leaders lead smarter, healthier, and better with Biblically-sound, brain-based solutions for life and leadership. Carey’s a popular speaker, coach, and consultant. His books include Every Pastor’s First 180 Days, Holy Noticing, Brain Savy-Savvy Leadership, People Pleasing Pastors, 5 Ministry Killers and How to Defeat Them, and Daughters Gone Wild.

Carey Nieuwhof – Carey Nieuwhof is the founding pastor of Connexus Church in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. His resources are designed to “…help you thrive in life and leadership.” In addition to the blog, Carey has a podcast, is a popular speaker at church conferences, and offers courses for church leaders. His popular courses are the High Impact Leader, the Church Growth Masterclass, and The Art of Better Preaching. His books include Didn’t See It Coming, Lasting Impact, Leading Change Without Losing It, and Parenting Beyond Your Capacity.

The Bible Project is a website designed to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. The Bible is offered through videos, infographics, with video and poster downloads. There are a companion blog and podcast. Available in 13 languages with 12 more coming soon.