Consulting & Coaching
The Barna Group – The Barna Group provides spiritual influencers with credible knowledge and clear thinking, enabling them to navigate a complex and changing culture.
Doug Paul is an Innovation Strategist who has worked with some of the largest and most innovative churches and organizations in the United States and Europe, helping them tailor their strategies for discipleship, leadership, and mission. He asks bigger questions about the interplay between Innovation and the Gospel. Doug is currently running Disciple-Making Innovations Labs throughout the United States that are grounded in their theology, mission, vision and ministry convictions. Doug also offers a newsletter, the Gospel Innovation Weekly, and webinars.
Charles Stone – Charles Stone is a pastor from London, Ontario, Canada. He’s a pastor who creates resources to help leaders lead smarter, healthier, and better with Biblically-sound, brain-based solutions for life and leadership. Carey’s a popular speaker, coach, and consultant. His books include Every Pastor’s First 180 Days, Holy Noticing, Brain Savy-Savvy Leadership, People Pleasing Pastors, 5 Ministry Killers and How to Defeat Them, and Daughters Gone Wild.